Thank You!

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We would like to thank you for your support with our first live streaming concert, organised by and in collaboration with CESAG.

We know that some people encountered some technical problems, mainly due to internet speed, especially in Spain and Malaysia. Hopefully these problems can be overcome in the future.

The auditorium where we played was quite cold so Sebastian (the violinist), Alfredo (the pianist) and I (Susana, the presenter) had to keep our jumpers and coats on! I know some of you were wondering why the musicians were not wearing suits...

It was a fantastic experience for us which we hope we can repeat. On top of having a brilliant "virtual" audience from so many different countries, we were also very fortunate to have a super enthusiastic "physical" audience (more than 1000 kids from the Madre Alberta School in Mallorca!). They behaved so well and were so keen to ask us questions!

A very special thanks to CESAG for masterminding this exciting project and for inviting us to collaborate with them. And thanks to all of you for participating!

We hope that, in the next few days, we can upload the concert onto the web so that those of you who could not watch it live, can enjoy it! We will keep you informed!

Muchas Gracias, Thank You Very Much, 謝謝!

Susana Galván (presenter), Sebastian See-Schierenberg (violin) and Alfredo Oyágüez (piano)


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